1.   Both sides already have clashed over how to achieve those savings, with Republicans promising to offer senior citizens a controversial form of coverage known as medical savings accounts.

2.   Despite the accord forged in October by a special American envoy, Richard C. Holbrooke, the two sides clash almost daily.

3.   The two sides clashed over outsourcing in a strike in March at two Delphi brake plants in Dayton, Ohio.

4.   The two sides also clashed over the role of the National Rifle Association in gathering facts and interviewing witnesses before the hearings.

5.   The two sides clashed in a final burst of exhausting debate.

6.   Also west of the capital, the two sides clashed on Mount Cicavica.

7.   At the meeting that opened Monday, the two sides also clashed over the presence of the international activist organization Greenpeace.

8.   Both sides have often clashed over control of the party.

9.   Both sides have clashed in air and ground combat at the Badme front since Tuesday, and each has claimed to have inflicted heavy losses.

10.   Both sides have clashed in air and ground combat since Tuesday, and each has claimed to have inflicted heavy losses.

n. + clash >>共 361
police 10.07%
troop 6.29%
force 5.12%
protester 4.71%
group 3.90%
demonstrator 3.43%
two 3.08%
student 2.50%
side 2.39%
faction 2.33%
side + v. >>共 621
be 10.78%
agree 8.70%
say 4.54%
have 4.42%
meet 1.92%
accuse 1.86%
make 1.60%
claim 1.48%
discuss 1.48%
reach 1.40%
clash 0.18%
每页显示:    共 41