1.   No car passes or bus tickets are available for viewing shuttle landings.

2.   Such changes include an early scene of a shuttle landing at Starfleet headquarters in San Francisco, whose Golden Gate Bridge gets a whole new look.

3.   The electronic display, which is used during shuttle landings, is required primarily for night runway approaches.

4.   Twenty years later, Fred is a computer nerd, programming the first shuttle landing on Mars.

5.   APTN aims to have coverage of the shuttle landing.

6.   NASA prefers at least five days between shuttle landings and launches.

7.   Shuttle managers prefer at least one week between shuttle landings and launches.

8.   That mission will be delayed about a week if Columbia goes because NASA requires at least five days between shuttle landings and launches.

9.   The last shuttle landing at Edwards was in October.

10.   The space agency prefers shuttle landings at Kennedy if at all possible.

n. + landing >>共 145
moon 11.25%
plane 5.12%
night 4.86%
aircraft 3.58%
shuttle 3.32%
helicopter 2.81%
ferry 2.56%
boat 2.30%
water 2.05%
beach 2.05%
shuttle + n. >>共 251
bus 11.18%
mission 10.91%
crew 10.36%
astronaut 7.63%
flight 7.58%
service 7.36%
manager 3.76%
commander 2.40%
train 1.58%
launch 1.53%
landing 0.71%
每页显示:    共 13