1.   Showroom building corridors were filled not just with furniture buyers, but with buyers from office supply stores, home improvements stores and home electronics stores as well.

2.   Showroom buildings, like those in the garment district and the Toy Center, are different from office buildings, which have a largely stable population.

3.   These sales and several other likely sales of showroom buildings in coming months could accelerate a shift to office uses.

4.   Winoker said the conversion of lesser properties to offices could have a positive effect on the top showroom buildings by making premier designers move into them.

n. + building >>共 813
office 18.62%
government 14.60%
parliament 5.31%
school 4.17%
brick 2.50%
embassy 1.91%
court 1.81%
administration 1.52%
three-story 1.42%
settlement 1.24%
showroom 0.05%
showroom + n. >>共 59
floor 27.42%
window 8.06%
traffic 4.84%
building 3.23%
manager 3.23%
door 2.42%
model 2.42%
presentation 2.42%
group 1.61%
inventory 1.61%
每页显示:    共 4