1.   But the biggest surprise is that all three shows originated in the nonprofit sphere, which is expanding as commercial Broadway shrinks.

2.   He lays down the history of the city where the show is originating and then, with a gleam in his eye, gets down to business.

3.   He had just come to terms with moving to the studio when he learned, again from a reporter, that the show would originate from Baltimore.

4.   Organized by Mark H.C. Bessire and Lauri Firstenberg, the show originated at the Maine College of Art in Portland, where Bessire is director.

5.   The show originated in England and then spent a year in Los Angeles before coming to Broadway.

6.   The show originated out west, where immigration restrictions are much more hotly debated than they are here.

7.   The show originated at the Fowler Museum of Cultural History at the University of California, Los Angeles.

8.   Thompson also plans to investigate having a Dodgers post-game show originate from the Stadium Club at Dodgers Stadium and thereby having it more interactive with fans.

9.   The financial news show originates from WPBT in Miami and is broadcast on most PBS stations on weekdays.

10.   The show originated in Britain and is a television sensation in the United States.

n. + originate >>共 457
flight 8.70%
fire 1.97%
life 1.87%
idea 1.66%
disease 1.45%
virus 1.35%
story 1.14%
bill 1.14%
material 1.14%
show 1.04%
show + v. >>共 932
be 29.06%
have 5.29%
go 3.96%
feature 2.21%
open 1.88%
begin 1.81%
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make 1.27%
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