1.   As Falk left he came over the Baylor and the two shook hands and the two appeared ready to work together.

2.   Bosnian government troops, who watched, bemused, as the general shook hands and moved about the hill with his entourage, nevertheless seemed to welcome the event.

3.   After testifying, the two-time presidential candidate went over to Wilson and the two shook hands for photographers.

4.   After the meeting Clinton walked with the Palestinian leader to the White House driveway and shook hands with him as photographers snapped pictures.

5.   Clinton went in, shook hands, greeted kids, then sampled the goods.

6.   Cuban President Fidel Castro greeted the pope, and the two shook hands.

7.   Firefighters climbed on board, shook hands, clapped each other on the shoulder and started talking like old friends with men and women they had never met.

8.   He burst out of the door, shook hands with an older man, and they hurried off together.

9.   He smiled, shook hands, and somehow you got the feeling that Nelson felt the honor was his.

10.   He signed autographs, shook hands, stopped for pictures, kissed two babies.

n. + hand >>共 257
rebel 12.04%
government 11.24%
time 9.15%
shook 4.68%
ranch 4.18%
change 3.78%
glove 3.08%
money 2.79%
police 1.89%
opposition 1.59%
shook + n. >>共 6
hand 82.46%
downtown 5.26%
part 5.26%
building 3.51%
confidence 1.75%
goodnight 1.75%
每页显示:    共 47