1.   He dresses conservatively-black shoes and all-the only hint at aristocracy being a tiny monogram on the shirt pocket.

2.   He now took a pair of sunglasses from his shirt pocket and pointed them at me.

3.   He pulled the crumpled bills from his shirt pocket and dropped them on the desk.

4.   He took a plain card and a pen from his shirt pocket.

5.   His management trademark is carrying index cards in his shirt pocket so that he can note mistakes while visiting Darden restaurants.

6.   New technology has produced phones so light that they can be carried unobtrusively in a shirt pocket.

7.   The device, small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, plugs into a wall socket.

8.   There was a live round of its ammunition in his shirt pocket.

9.   John dug in his shirt pocket and produced a small photograph.

10.   Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket.

n. + pocket >>共 134
shirt 15.89%
jacket 12.44%
coat 11.23%
pant 4.66%
side 4.49%
seat 2.42%
jean 2.07%
vest 1.90%
map 1.73%
rear 1.73%
shirt + n. >>共 82
pocket 23.71%
sleeve 19.07%
collar 12.63%
open 4.12%
jacket 3.87%
front 2.84%
button 2.32%
dress 2.06%
cuff 1.80%
tail 1.80%
每页显示:    共 92