1.   Baste frequently with the marinade for a shiny glaze.

2.   Beat until the mixture has a shiny glaze across the top.

3.   Place under a hot broiler briefly to cook sugar and give a nice shiny glaze.

4.   Then they are removed from the molds, dropped into a sifter to shake off any excess cornstarch and get a shiny glaze.

a. + glaze >>共 112
apricot 16.43%
remaining 9.66%
chocolate 2.90%
icy 1.93%
shiny 1.93%
sweet 1.93%
warm 1.93%
ceramic 1.45%
little 1.45%
smooth 1.45%
shiny + n. >>共 469
surface 2.81%
shoe 1.68%
hair 1.57%
fabric 1.46%
metal 1.46%
suit 1.35%
leaf 1.35%
car 1.35%
finish 1.23%
coin 1.01%
glaze 0.45%
每页显示:    共 4