1.   But he fiddled while Serb shells rained on Sarajevo.

2.   It looks out on Trebevic mountain, from which Serbian shells rained for almost two years.

3.   Across the border in Pakistan, artillery shells raining from Indian border positions killed a man and forced hundreds of people to flee their villages, Pakistani police said.

4.   Artillery shells rained into Indian territory in the disputed Kashmir region Friday, scattering farmers who had returned to tend apricot orchards abandoned during weeks of fighting.

5.   Serb shells had rained down Tuesday on mountainous Zepa, apparently as a prelude to an all-out assault.

6.   Shells rained down today on this Congo River port for the fourth straight day.

7.   Aid agencies said Rwandan and Zairean troops exchanged heavy arms fire across the border with shells raining on a residential area of the Rwandan town of Cyangugu.

8.   Shells rained onto the city throughout the day with at least two slamming into Hotel Aden.

9.   Shells also rained onto the city with at least two slamming into Hotel Aden where international aid workers and journalists were staying.

10.   Shells also rained onto the city with one slamming into Hotel Aden where international aid workers and journalists were staying, but there were no casualties.

n. + rain >>共 101
shell 5.88%
guerrilla 5.35%
heavy 3.74%
spring 3.74%
rebel 3.74%
force 3.21%
monsoon 2.67%
helicopter 2.14%
missile 2.14%
troop 2.14%
shell + v. >>共 297
hit 17.70%
land 8.58%
fall 7.53%
be 7.48%
explode 6.89%
slam 5.47%
say 3.97%
strike 2.24%
kill 1.73%
come 1.46%
rain 0.50%
每页显示:    共 11