1.   Lying in the warm sun, listening to the sea was sheer bliss.

2.   Relaxing on the porch of our private villa was sheer bliss.

3.   She knew that soon she would come to her senses, but for now it was just sheer bliss to be here, up against his heart.

4.   It was sheer bliss to have the cumbersome weight removed from her back, and she stretched.

a. + bliss >>共 77
domestic 13.82%
marital 9.21%
wedded 8.55%
pure 4.61%
eternal 2.63%
ignorant 2.63%
romantic 2.63%
sheer 2.63%
nuptial 1.97%
rural 1.97%
sheer + n. >>共 721
number 10.67%
size 6.69%
volume 5.42%
force 2.42%
joy 1.66%
scale 1.34%
weight 1.30%
cliff 1.16%
power 1.12%
luck 1.08%
bliss 0.14%
每页显示:    共 4