1.   Nevertheless, the sheep ranchers had their rights, and brought added pressure on the Biological Survey for government intervention.

2.   Australian lamb, it turns out, has been doing so well on the American market that sheep ranchers had begun to complain.

3.   He added that dairy farms are being pushed out by homeowners, so many farms are moving to Casa Grande and squeezing the sheep ranchers.

4.   His main challenger in the primary, Bill Taliaferro, a sheep rancher, hammered him relentlessly on the matter.

5.   Long detested by western sheep ranchers, the coyote has also been preying on sheep and other livestock and poultry in the East.

6.   Many were sheepherders in Europe, and Griffiths said because they already knew the sheep business, many went to work for Anglo sheep ranchers in Arizona.

7.   Sheep ranchers throughout the West are struggling to keep their industry alive.

8.   Similar relief was provided by the U.S. International Trade Commission when American sheep ranchers were hard hit by lamb imports from Australia.

9.   Sheep ranchers say if a sickly animal dies at night, there will be nothing but fleece and a plastic ear tag left by morning.

10.   Some sheep ranchers say they are far superior to dogs in that role.

n. + rancher >>共 37
cattle 52.44%
sheep 9.76%
emu 4.88%
area 3.66%
fourth-generation 2.44%
elk 2.44%
buffalo 1.83%
mink 1.83%
frontier 1.22%
horse 1.22%
sheep + n. >>共 129
farmer 11.44%
farm 5.57%
rancher 4.69%
ranch 4.11%
offal 3.52%
farming 3.23%
industry 2.64%
camp 2.35%
cheese 2.05%
shearer 1.76%
每页显示:    共 16