1.   ----- Problem is, the recent wavering came at a time when Odom had appeared to be shedding that reputation.

2.   But while New York labor seeks to rebound, it will have to work to shed its reputation for having the most corruption problems in the nation.

3.   For QVC Inc., the deal helps its effort to move upscale and shed a reputation as a hawker of cubic zirconia and other cheap wares.

4.   He thirsts to get back to the playoffs so he can have another chance to shed the reputation he has gained.

5.   If the School of the Americas cannot shed its terrible reputation, much of the fault lies with the US Army.

6.   In the past year the Philippines has gone a long way towards shedding its reputation as the sick man of Southeast Asia.

7.   It may be shedding its reputation as India-No-Place, but it is earning a new one as a crack cocaine battleground.

8.   Konrad believes the Dolphins have shed the reputation of second-half faders.

9.   One analyst was skeptical that the bank could shed its reputation of making acquisitions that reduce earnings.

10.   Pierce came within inches of shedding that reputation when, on match point, she ripped a cross-court backhand.

v. + reputation >>共 352
have 33.37%
earn 7.30%
build 5.70%
develop 5.34%
gain 5.26%
make 2.73%
tarnish 2.30%
damage 2.27%
establish 2.00%
acquire 1.36%
shed 0.44%
shed + n. >>共 448
light 34.28%
tear 11.71%
image 2.76%
job 2.43%
worker 2.35%
blood 2.15%
business 1.78%
pound 1.58%
weight 1.38%
leaf 1.18%
reputation 0.85%
每页显示:    共 21