1.   At the same time, the peso crisis devastated the Mexican economy, resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs as well as sharp decreases in annual income.

2.   But a long-term effect of the algae blooms has been a sharp decrease in the number of East Hampton baymen.

3.   Company officials said they anticipated a sharp decrease in orders for commercial aircraft in the coming year.

4.   Economic recovery is also expected to help companies with large domestic sales, who have seen their results pummeled by a sharp decrease in demand.

5.   In contrast to Leavenworth, George sees a sharp decrease in tourists during the winter, primarily because the town offers few outdoor activities like skiing.

6.   McCollum blamed the increased flow through the Caribbean on a sharp decrease in overall drug interdiction efforts and a shift in attention from the Caribbean to the southwestern border.

7.   OPEC has been widely expected to leave production levels unchanged, despite the sharp decreases in the price of oil this week.

8.   Other signs of economic weakness were seen in government reports that showed sharp decreases in personal income and reduced spending on new construction.

9.   Since the vacuuming began four years ago, there has been a sharp decrease in the number of grizzlies killed by trains.

10.   Tests taken before and after the sessions showed that cooling caused a sharp decrease in reported levels of fatigue.

a. + decrease >>共 139
significant 7.23%
sharp 6.99%
slight 5.83%
dramatic 5.36%
marked 5.13%
largest 3.73%
further 3.26%
gradual 3.26%
first 2.80%
substantial 1.63%
sharp + n. >>共 1041
decline 5.97%
drop 5.95%
increase 5.60%
rise 5.26%
criticism 4.16%
contrast 3.88%
fall 3.64%
knife 2.85%
gain 2.67%
turn 1.62%
decrease 0.31%
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