1.   Shape the dough into balls.

2.   Shape the dough into small balls.

3.   Although the dough is shaped differently, no doubt it could be made into Parker House Rolls.

4.   After shaping dough into rolls, coat with granulated sugar or red sugar crystals before refrigerating.

5.   Continue until all the dough has been shaped.

6.   Gather dough into a ball and wrap tightly with plastic wrap, pressing down to shape the dough.

7.   Once the braid is formed, gently shape dough into a large circle, pinching ends together tightly to close the circle.

8.   Seal edges, and shape dough like a fish.

9.   Shape dough into ball, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate one hour.

10.   Shape the dough into half-inch beads, then use a toothpick to make a hole through the center of each.

v. + dough >>共 184
turn 6.81%
roll 6.24%
knead 5.90%
place 4.77%
divide 3.86%
make 3.75%
remove 3.41%
shape 3.18%
press 3.06%
cut 2.27%
shape + n. >>共 698
policy 4.57%
life 3.91%
future 3.71%
way 1.98%
debate 1.47%
dough 1.42%
view 1.22%
legislation 1.07%
character 1.07%
history 1.02%
每页显示:    共 28