1.   He seemed more concerned to break than maintain the shaky truce existing between him and his father.

2.   As Afghanistan struggles to find peace after more than two decades of war, soldiers enforcing the shaky truce face numerous potential pitfalls.

3.   As the talks degenerated amid mutual accusations, both the government and the Albanian rebels were reported to be using the shaky truce to rearm.

4.   A shaky truce is now holding in the battle as Neeman looks for a compromise.

5.   A shaky truce has held since then.

6.   On the first day of a shaky truce analysts on both sides predict the peace will not last long.

7.   The Israeli troops moved into the neighborhoods in Hebron hours after Prime Minister Ariel Sharon accused the Palestinians on Thursday of sabotaging the shaky truce with Israel.

8.   The IRA leaders and British worked out a shaky truce.

9.   The Palestinians fear that a lone suicide bomber could wipe out the shaky truce and touch off harsh retaliation by the Israeli military.

10.   The session, which was scheduled for Thursday, will be reset once there is a better idea about the progress of a shaky truce in the Middle East.

a. + truce >>共 256
shaky 7.11%
uneasy 6.93%
fragile 4.71%
temporary 4.18%
previous 3.29%
formal 3.02%
latest 2.67%
unilateral 2.40%
informal 2.31%
current 2.04%
shaky + n. >>共 419
start 11.49%
ground 6.82%
cease-fire 5.39%
truce 4.79%
coalition 3.71%
economy 2.99%
peace 2.93%
federation 1.50%
performance 1.44%
company 1.32%
每页显示:    共 80