1.   It was Gerald Kaufman, shadow foreign secretary, who did that for him, in a speech of vast sweeping grasp.

2.   While he remained shadow home secretary, that was how matters were destined to remain.

3.   But John Prescott, shadow transport secretary, responded to the criticisms by accusing the Tories of having ad hoc transport policies.

4.   The shadow Scottish secretary, Tom Clarke, described the figures as appalling and demanded an urgent meeting with the Scottish Secretary, Ian Lang.

5.   As shadow secretary, he has a duty in the House of Commons to cross-question his opposite number and to turn a relentless searchlight on his public pronouncements.

6.   The shadow employment secretary, Frank Dobson, claimed that their abolition could result in pay levels falling.

7.   BACK-BENCH Labour MPs rallied round the shadow Scottish secretary, Tom Clarke, yesterday in an attempt to end an alleged whispering campaign against him.

8.   A number of MPs who were opposed to the Monklands West MP becoming shadow Scottish secretary have remained critical.

9.   Tony Blair, the shadow home secretary, has boldly set a new agenda, conceding the need for tough sentencing for persistent offenders.

10.   David Blunkett, shadow health secretary, said the report was a damning indictment of LAS management and highlighted fundamental questions about a lack of accountability.

n. + secretary >>共 201
defense 23.20%
deputy 13.26%
treasury 7.66%
commerce 4.65%
labor 4.65%
education 4.19%
energy 4.00%
transportation 3.09%
agriculture 2.63%
health 2.10%
shadow 1.07%
shadow + n. >>共 150
government 11.26%
cast 7.73%
cabinet 7.73%
secretary 6.18%
boxing 3.75%
puppet 3.31%
theater 3.31%
economy 3.09%
convention 3.09%
chancellor 2.65%
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