1.   And Bryan Gould could well survive despite his unsuccessful leadership challenge and Decision to quit the shadow cabinet.

2.   He also said he had long fought from within the shadow cabinet for a change in Euro policies.

3.   He joined the shadow cabinet as transport spokesman.

4.   Mr Portillo cast doubt over the tax policy as soon as he returned to the shadow cabinet this year.

5.   There are good men and women, with their hearts in roughly the right place, in the shadow cabinet.

6.   In a rare act of unity, all the opposition parties save the Communists banded together this week to set up a shadow cabinet.

7.   In his place, the MP for Hamilton, George Robertson, who yesterday was voted on to the shadow cabinet for the first time.

8.   The shadow cabinet has agreed that while Labour must oppose the Government on various aspects of the treaty, it should do nothing that would lead to its fall.

9.   John Prescot has been given one of the key posts in the new shadow cabinet.

10.   But Harriet Harman stays as shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, despite being voted off the shadow cabinet by her fellow M Ps.

n. + cabinet >>共 124
medicine 15.84%
security 11.26%
shadow 6.68%
china 4.96%
coalition 4.77%
display 3.63%
storage 3.05%
liquor 2.67%
bathroom 2.48%
trophy 2.29%
shadow + n. >>共 150
government 11.26%
cast 7.73%
cabinet 7.73%
secretary 6.18%
boxing 3.75%
puppet 3.31%
theater 3.31%
economy 3.09%
convention 3.09%
chancellor 2.65%
每页显示:    共 35