1.   As residents near the sewage spill continue to worry about their health, officials are trying to assure residents they are doing everything possible.

2.   Beaches were closed because of storm-related sewage spills.

3.   A major raw sewage spill Monday afternoon suddenly eclipsed power outages and flooding on the list of Hurricane Irene-related problems.

4.   But people who live in a sprawling mobile-home park around the cove say rent increases and sewage spills are making it anything but paradise.

5.   Environmental officials reported widespread sewage spills and thousands of dead fish in the Cape Fear River.

6.   Fisheries and wildlife can be affected by heavy sewage spills.

7.   In this community of crumbling cement houses, where sewage spills into dusty streets and rolling blackouts leave families dining by candlelight, the people have begun to grumble.

8.   One beach was closed for two days because of sewage spill.

9.   Sewage spills caused four beach closures at Marina del Rey, Inner Cabrillo, a portion of Redondo Beach and a portion of Venice Beach last year.

10.   Still, state officials said floating corpses in caskets pose far less of a health risk than widespread municipal and farm sewage spills.

n. + spill >>共 122
oil 65.11%
fuel 3.27%
cyanide 3.12%
sewage 2.18%
diesel 1.56%
pipeline 1.56%
gasoline 0.93%
year 0.78%
mercury 0.62%
petroleum 0.47%
sewage + n. >>共 105
system 21.52%
plant 19.42%
treatment 6.17%
sludge 5.25%
works 4.33%
pipe 3.02%
facility 2.36%
disposal 2.36%
water 2.10%
problem 1.97%
spill 1.84%
每页显示:    共 14