1.   At present many sheltered housing schemes are trying to cope with severe difficulties in relation to dementing tenants.

2.   For those with severe learning difficulties drama offers a secure situation in Which to examine the world.

3.   If there is severe difficulty in breathing - shortness of breath, wheezing, laboured, rapid or shallow breathing.

4.   If they leave before the relocation takes place, this could put the employer in severe difficulties with regard to staff shortages.

5.   None the less, a number of children with severe learning difficulties are integrated into mainstream schools in groups younger than their own age.

6.   People with disabilities also experience severe difficulties in both training and the labour Market.

7.   The combination of early fantasy and external fact is what leaves many people in severe difficulty after being sexually abused as children.

8.   The nation faces severe economic difficulties.

a. + difficulty >>共 445
financial 14.25%
economic 7.33%
great 5.88%
technical 3.78%
breathing 2.77%
serious 2.60%
learning 2.10%
severe 2.02%
political 1.85%
major 1.79%
severe + n. >>共 541
weather 3.34%
problem 2.95%
case 2.80%
damage 2.73%
burn 2.53%
thunderstorm 2.46%
drought 2.43%
injury 2.25%
pain 2.19%
storm 2.19%
difficulty 0.72%
每页显示:    共 72