1.   Clinical depression can cause severe aches and pains, debilitating fatigue, chills and overheating, erratic sleep patterns and difficulty concentrating.

2.   Two weeks after infection, victims develop severe aches.

3.   Chamberlain also suffered severe aches, pains and headaches before going to hospital.

4.   Dengue fever is characterized by severe aches in the joints, a high fever, headache and rash.

5.   Like the Australian official, Chamberlain also suffered severe aches, pains and headaches before going to hospital.

6.   Mosquitoes spread the virus that causes dengue, which is characterized by high fever, rash and severe aches in the joints.

a. + ache >>共 72
dull 14.89%
joint 5.67%
severe 4.26%
minor 3.55%
back 3.55%
little 3.55%
muscular 3.55%
general 2.84%
deep 2.84%
chronic 2.13%
severe + n. >>共 541
weather 3.34%
problem 2.95%
case 2.80%
damage 2.73%
burn 2.53%
thunderstorm 2.46%
drought 2.43%
injury 2.25%
pain 2.19%
storm 2.19%
ache 0.06%
每页显示:    共 6