1.   However, the figures do give an indication of the proportion of cases resolved by settlement rather than trial.

2.   A legal settlement does not resolve scientific questions about the safety of the implants.

3.   Finally, the home care settlement would resolve allegations that Columbia fraudulently billed for services to patients who did not qualify for such care.

4.   I stress, however, the centrality of the procedural due process protection of adequate representation in class action lawsuits, emphatically including those resolved by settlement.

5.   If approved, the settlement may resolve all unresolved legal issues raised by TXU related to the new deregulation law, Schein said.

6.   Monsanto said the settlement also resolves a series of related disputes between the company and its insurers.

7.   The FCC said the settlement will resolve all pending enforcement actions against Infinity and its subsidiaries.

8.   The government settlement resolves an investigation into charges that the company sold seats and related spare parts for five Iranian civilian aircraft.

9.   The NADA settlement resolves a lawsuit filed today by the Justice Department in a Washington federal court.

10.   The out-of-court settlement resolves a complaint filed by a traveler who uses a wheelchair and claimed that Avis violated the Americans with Disabilities Act.

n. + resolve >>共 357
side 4.45%
company 2.97%
government 2.87%
talk 2.87%
agreement 2.57%
settlement 2.57%
negotiation 2.37%
party 2.08%
court 1.98%
step 1.98%
settlement + v. >>共 374
be 31.23%
come 3.47%
include 3.35%
require 2.75%
have 2.27%
end 1.52%
allow 1.44%
remain 1.32%
call 1.12%
resolve 1.04%
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