1.   The union Decided to settle its grievance in the law courts.

2.   Everett is not obligated to pay the fine until the grievance is settled.

3.   Normally, it can take six to seven months to settle a grievance.

4.   The resulting grievance was settled out of court for a substantial sum just weeks before the Academy Awards.

5.   Paramilitary police officers demanding prompt payment of their salaries seized President Jean Marie Leye on Saturday morning and demanded a Cabinet meeting to settle their grievances.

6.   Paramilitary police officers demanding prompt payment of their salaries seized the president of this South Pacific country Saturday morning and demanded a Cabinet meeting to settle their grievances.

7.   Paramilitary police officers demanding prompt payment of their salaries abducted President Jean Marie Leye on Saturday and demanded a Cabinet meeting to settle their grievances.

8.   Business groups say arbitration is more convenient, less time-consuming and cheaper than lawsuits to settle grievances.

9.   But he predicted others could go to court to settle grievances over the bout.

10.   Employees from the plantation sector look forward to meeting him personally as he converses in their mother tongue to settle grievances and make temporary disablement benefits immediately.

v. + grievance >>共 120
file 29.42%
air 13.41%
address 5.79%
have 5.03%
hear 3.66%
take 3.51%
discuss 2.74%
redress 2.13%
settle 1.83%
withdraw 1.37%
settle + n. >>共 437
dispute 16.76%
case 9.63%
issue 8.04%
lawsuit 5.76%
difference 5.51%
matter 4.36%
claim 3.67%
suit 3.63%
score 3.51%
conflict 2.64%
grievance 0.20%
每页显示:    共 12