1.   The latter is a major reason for continued interest among non-insurance companies in setting up their own captive insurance subsidiaries.

2.   Former Labour Prime Minister Lord Wilson considered setting it up his finest achievement.

3.   Teenagers at Giggleswick School, near Settle, have been learning about business by setting up their own manufacturing company, XS Baggage.

4.   Although setting up a budget and sticking to it is a worthy goal, teens also need to be flexible.

5.   Andreychuk assisted on the third goal as well, setting up John MacLean.

6.   But after setting it up he discovered, to his horror, that neither was available in Southern California.

7.   Gardner herself underscored the quasi-devotional implications of the likeness by setting it up it in a chapel-like room packed with Madonnas and saints.

8.   Is this an easy thing to do, or will I have to go through the torture of setting up all my e-mail settings again?

9.   It is almost as easy to install as setting up its analog cousin, which adorns countless refrigerators with movable magnetic words.

10.   Setting up factories, buying fabric and opening operations in New Delhi as well, he formed a company backed by a friend who raised the capital.

v. + up >>共 284
give 46.06%
drive 4.47%
grow 1.84%
rack 1.73%
step 1.68%
talk 1.45%
walk 1.40%
set 1.29%
pump 1.23%
pick 1.01%
set + v. >>共 36
up 23.96%
be 20.83%
out 11.46%
free 3.13%
down 3.13%
achieve 2.08%
create 2.08%
make 2.08%
off 2.08%
sail 2.08%
每页显示:    共 23