1.   Braun promptly had a meeting with his players and set the agenda.

2.   The first national conference of the Cooperative Party set the agenda.

3.   The new government set an agenda for constitutional reform.

4.   Where business barged in and tried to set the agenda and the schools participated on a begrudging basis, problems inevitably arose.

5.   The government set an agenda for constitutional reform.

6.   Does television set the agenda on foreign policy?

7.   The committee set the agenda for the next several years of research.

8.   They want to set our agenda.

9.   The EPLP is ideally placed to work alongside other Parliamentary groups in the Community to set the agenda for Europe and for its people.

v. + agendum >>共 257
top 17.86%
set 14.05%
have 8.39%
dominate 3.34%
push 2.56%
discuss 2.56%
prepare 1.71%
outline 1.71%
advance 1.71%
pursue 1.63%
set + n. >>共 584
fire 9.21%
stage 7.58%
standard 5.11%
tone 4.74%
date 4.72%
record 4.61%
foot 2.61%
precedent 2.36%
sight 2.31%
limit 2.24%
agendum 1.08%
每页显示:    共 180