1.   Arrange the courgettes on a serving platter with the trout and reserved grapefruit segments.

2.   Arrange the lettuce leaves and slices of cucumber on a serving platter.

3.   Arrange toasted pita bread on large serving platter.

4.   Lightly grease a serving platter with olive oil.

5.   Mound the moistened couscous on a serving platter and form a large well in the center.

6.   Remove legs to a serving platter and keep warm.

7.   Remove quail and keep warm on a serving platter.

8.   Set the leaves on a heated serving platter.

9.   Transfer rabbit pieces to a serving platter and keep warm.

10.   Use one half to extend the other log and place on a serving platter.

a. + platter >>共 101
serving 30.23%
large 15.21%
warm 11.79%
silver 5.51%
heated 2.66%
warmed 2.28%
small 1.14%
deep 1.14%
ovenproof 1.14%
round 0.95%
serving + n. >>共 156
plate 16.89%
bowl 16.38%
platter 16.08%
dish 13.55%
size 2.33%
tray 1.52%
member 1.42%
piece 1.42%
spoon 1.11%
head 1.11%
每页显示:    共 158