1.   A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.

2.   It holds that women should not be senior pastors and that wives should submit to the servant leadership of their husbands.

3.   Moderates object to changes saying women should not serve as senior pastors and that wives should submit to the servant leadership of their husbands.

4.   Servant leadership means leading with humility.

5.   They also object to an earlier addition stating wives should submit to the servant leadership of their husbands.

6.   The vote came two years after the denomination said a wife should submit herself to the servant leadership of her husband.

n. + leadership >>共 182
rebel 18.27%
world 4.80%
army 3.14%
market 2.95%
community 2.77%
government 2.58%
opposition 1.66%
police 1.66%
deputy 1.66%
guerrilla 1.48%
servant 1.11%
servant + n. >>共 14
girl 39.47%
leadership 15.79%
class 10.53%
evangelism 7.89%
boy 2.63%
home 2.63%
lasso 2.63%
make 2.63%
play 2.63%
quarter 2.63%
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