1.   There was a rise in serum creatinine which reached statistical significance after two years and a trend towards a decline in iothalamate clearance in cyclosporin treated patients.

2.   Serum creatinine, amylase, serum asparate transaminase, and serum alanine transaminase were within the normal range.

3.   At all times, renal function as assessed by serum creatinine and creatinine clearance remained normal.

4.   But as blood lead increased, their kidney function decreased, as measured by a blood test for serum creatinine.

n. + creatinine >>共 2
serum 75.00%
plasma 25.00%
serum + n. >>共 75
concentration 28.85%
level 7.05%
sample 6.73%
value 6.09%
gastrin 5.45%
cholesterol 4.81%
pepsinogen 4.81%
calcium 3.21%
activity 1.92%
creatinine 1.92%
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