1.   It also can cause bloating, abdominal cramping and more serious diarrhea in some.

2.   Children are most at risk from serious diarrhea.

3.   Cholera produces fever, vomiting, and serious diarrhea, which can kill within hours is untreated.

4.   This July, the company stopped selling its rotavirus vaccine, used to prevent serious diarrhea, after it was linked to dangerous bowel obstructions in infants.

a. + diarrhea >>共 44
severe 37.59%
bloody 31.03%
chronic 4.14%
watery 3.10%
acute 2.41%
violent 1.72%
intense 1.38%
serious 1.38%
frequent 1.03%
constant 1.03%
serious + n. >>共 891
condition 7.60%
injury 7.04%
problem 6.22%
damage 2.48%
threat 2.11%
crime 2.01%
charge 1.33%
trouble 1.32%
concern 1.24%
health 1.20%
diarrhea 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4