1.   A powerful bomb destroyed an unoccupied villa Saturday on this Mediterranean island, where militant separatists are waging a violent campaign to break away from France.

2.   Increasingly aided by groups in Afghanistan and other neighbors, Uighur separatists have waged a bombing and assassination campaign against Chinese and suspected collaborators.

3.   Militant separatists are waging an increasingly bloody fight for greater autonomy from the central Paris government.

4.   Separatists have been waging an increasingly violent fight for greater autonomy from the central government in Paris, and the violence has been spilling over to mainland France.

5.   Richardson, a Democratic congressmen from New Mexico, spent two days in Kashmir, where Muslim separatists have been waging war for six years for independence from India.

6.   Shotgun-wielding attackers killed a shopkeeper on this French Mediterranean island, where separatists are waging an increasingly bloody campaign.

7.   Separatists have been waging a battle against the government.

8.   Separatists have waged a violent campaign for a quarter century.

9.   The Chechen separatists waged a two-year war against Russia until a peace deal was signed last August.

10.   Two bombs damaged a shopping area and a bank on this French Mediterranean island, where militant separatists are waging a violent campaign for autonomy.

n. + wage >>共 216
rebel 6.36%
group 5.43%
militant 4.81%
government 3.72%
side 3.57%
guerrilla 2.95%
force 2.79%
extremist 2.64%
company 2.64%
army 2.17%
separatist 2.02%
separatist + v. >>共 284
be 6.37%
say 4.94%
fight 4.19%
want 3.10%
demand 2.85%
claim 2.51%
win 2.43%
control 2.01%
attack 2.01%
have 1.76%
wage 1.09%
每页显示:    共 13