1.   Now, name question mark asked the doctor now that is the end a sentence, so we have a fullstop there.

2.   Critics also charge that parole breeds public anger and cynicism when offenders are released before their sentences end.

3.   Today in Homestead, Chiles will sign the Jimmy Ryce Act, allowing the state to keep dangerous sexual predators confined in treatment after their prison sentences end.

4.   Although the court in many cases banished convicts from their hometowns, there is concern about what will happen as sentences end.

n. + end >>共 815
year 6.14%
north 4.91%
season 3.80%
east 3.61%
split 2.77%
term 2.70%
stem 2.62%
west 2.62%
rookie 1.70%
bottom 1.39%
sentence 0.16%
sentence + n. >>共 96
reduction 19.38%
structure 11.24%
fragment 9.69%
people 3.10%
appeal 2.71%
length 2.33%
commutation 1.94%
case 1.94%
end 1.55%
construction 1.55%
每页显示:    共 4