1.   An external sensor monitors changes in light levels, and issues the appropriate warnings to the patient.

2.   Floating sensors could monitor pollution in the ocean and track global warming.

3.   Its sensors monitor quality during paper production, and its computer-control systems improve the efficiency of paper-producing machines.

4.   Optical sensors could monitor wear to determine when a service is due.

5.   Sensors monitor driving and control brakes, skidding, understeer, and oversteer.

6.   Sensors monitor tractor speed and adjust the amount of fertilizer or pesticide sprayed on the soil.

7.   Sensors monitored for chemical and biological toxins.

8.   Sensors monitor seat belt use and the severity of any crash and deploy the bags with varying degrees of strength.

9.   The sensors even monitor the severity of the crash to adjust deployment energy.

10.   The sensors continually monitor the shaking, temperature changes, gas emissions and other activity.

n. + monitor >>共 443
official 5.94%
observer 4.20%
police 3.33%
government 2.67%
doctor 2.40%
group 2.34%
agency 2.07%
company 1.74%
authority 1.69%
force 1.64%
sensor 0.60%
sensor + v. >>共 127
be 12.97%
detect 10.95%
measure 4.61%
pick_up 3.17%
monitor 3.17%
use 2.31%
tell 2.02%
have 1.73%
register 1.73%
record 1.44%
每页显示:    共 11