1.   The Index will be updated regularly and we really do need to know who to send the updates to.

2.   Better yet, find a site that sends e-mail updates directly to you.

3.   AccentCare sends updates to family members from reports filled out by the care provider.

4.   Additional updates are sent when news developments warrant.

5.   Investors will be sent annual updates telling them how their portfolio has performed, and how much closer they are to their college savings goal.

6.   Once care is arranged, AccentCare sends updates to family members from reports filled out by the care provider.

7.   Savage said CareThere also serves as a place for care agencies to send e-mail updates to families.

8.   Some venture capitalists say they are looking at technology that would let a company send updates to software across different operating systems, devices and computers.

9.   Still others offered fax services that would send updates to coaches or provide students with an e-mail address so college coaches could contact them.

10.   Staff writer Tim Guidera had intended to send updates by computer but had to use a phone when he discovered the Internet was not available from his press seat.

v. + update >>共 116
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give 7.73%
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post 3.78%
offer 3.06%
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send + n. >>共 860
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