1.   The first line of the CLI file turns printer echo on by sending the command to the CLI.

2.   An electrical short caused it to seize up when computer commands were sent along primary data transmission lines.

3.   But rather than typing in a command, you just click a button with your mouse, and the program sends the command for you.

4.   But typically the simple commands we send back to the net need the data equivalent of a soda straw.

5.   Commands are then sent by radio to the robot, which guides the ducks to the goal.

6.   Cook said that flight controllers, who had been trying daily to communicate, would now send commands to Pathfinder about every two weeks and listen for any response.

7.   Engineers were still not sure whether the obstacle had been removed, but time was running out to send more commands to Pathfinder on Friday night.

8.   Hand-held pads already are being used to send and receive written messages, retrieve stock quotations and other reports, and send commands, including sales orders.

9.   Meanwhile, ground control teams in Houston sent commands that activated air circulation fans and equipment on the outpost to prepare it for the arrival of the three men.

10.   More than a half-million commands were sent to the robot in the first six months.

v. + command >>共 219
take 30.72%
have 8.65%
assume 4.37%
give 3.64%
send 2.18%
obey 2.02%
issue 2.02%
follow 1.94%
lose 1.62%
use 1.54%
send + n. >>共 860
letter 6.46%
message 5.50%
troop 4.53%
signal 2.04%
e-mail 1.77%
child 1.77%
money 1.47%
team 1.19%
price 1.19%
representative 1.07%
command 0.08%
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