1.   If all banks sell securities, they will all lose deposits and balances as their own customers buy securities.

2.   This creates room for new borrowing under the debt limit and allows the Treasury to sell fresh securities and raise needed cash.

3.   By January, virtually all foreign securities had been sold, but India still came extremely close to technical default on interest payments on its foreign debt.

4.   All these securities are sold at a discount to their par value.

5.   The government sells securities to the Bank of England.

6.   The government sells securities to overseas purchasers.

7.   They would sell securities, thus lowering their prices and raising the rate of interest until it reached r e.

8.   If the government wished to reduce the money supply, the Bank of England would sell more securities.

9.   This means they must always be prepared to either buy or sell securities when approached to do so by one of the banks.

v. + security >>共 638
tighten 8.10%
provide 7.43%
step_up 5.27%
improve 4.37%
sell 4.33%
increase 4.28%
beef_up 3.25%
buy 3.22%
threaten 2.30%
guarantee 2.22%
sell + n. >>共 820
share 5.90%
stock 4.24%
product 3.84%
bond 2.67%
ticket 2.19%
dollar 2.01%
stake 1.74%
asset 1.72%
car 1.42%
drug 1.39%
security 1.24%
每页显示:    共 407