1.   Black children read it and saw a hero in Sambo.

2.   After all, what heroes have we seen on screen recently?

3.   But many are introduced to it as youngsters by seeing their heroes chewing or dipping at the ballpark or on television.

4.   Each generation sees their heroes in a new light.

5.   Even this, however, feels insidious, as if portraying heroines where we usually see heroes makes it OK to prey on our fears and sensibilities.

6.   Grieve and his father made the trek to New York about once a year, where he was able to see his hero in the flesh.

7.   HoHoKam has the feel of a Midwestern reunion with the Cubs faithful flocking from frigid Chicago to see their heroes.

8.   Naturally, millions of fans will pay their money to see their hero.

9.   Most people want to see their hero or whomever they think is going to the All-Star Game.

10.   Now Davis was on his way to Denver to see his hero unable to move.

v. + hero >>共 238
have 8.45%
make 5.42%
play 4.47%
need 4.31%
see 3.03%
honor 3.03%
meet 2.55%
find 2.39%
create 1.75%
celebrate 1.59%
see + n. >>共 1403
sign 1.33%
reason 1.25%
man 1.18%
thing 1.14%
people 1.07%
doctor 0.95%
action 0.93%
need 0.92%
opportunity 0.89%
lot 0.87%
hero 0.04%
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