1.   They were impressed by the security needs of the USSR and its awesome task of reconstruction.

2.   Arafat has also grown more serious about Israeli security needs in the past weeks and continued to arrest and try Muslim militant opponents.

3.   Balancing wartime national security needs against fiscal responsibility provides an unprecedented test that makes everyone nervous.

4.   Because of security needs, Israel cannot grant the Palestinians a truly independent state of their own.

5.   Before her speech, Albright met with Jewish leaders who have called for reassurances from Clinton that Washington would not backtrack from letting Israel determine its own security needs.

6.   Actually, that may not be a problem because in this day and age of security needs and air conditioning, the main door is seldom kept open anyway.

7.   Afghanistan is a patchwork of varying security needs.

8.   Almost by definition, the domestic war against terrorism has involved a delicate balance between civil liberties and security needs.

9.   Also on Wednesday, Ukraine signed an agreement with NATO that establishes a special commission to periodically discuss the security needs of the former Soviet republic.

10.   Bush and Putin do seem genuinely to want a constructive partnership despite their fundamentally conflicting perspectives of national security needs.

n. + need >>共 568
security 4.49%
energy 4.15%
customer 3.31%
health 3.14%
business 2.08%
power 1.85%
community 1.51%
information 1.46%
market 1.35%
water 1.29%
security + n. >>共 445
force 16.92%
official 8.09%
measure 3.87%
service 2.70%
concern 2.53%
source 2.32%
reason 2.31%
officer 2.29%
firm 2.22%
issue 1.82%
need 0.16%
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