1.   Cholera is in this category, as Vibrio cholerae attaches to the cells and hangs on there while secreting its toxin.

2.   In both cases, the organisms just secrete damaging toxins into the body where they are growing.

3.   The bacterium that causes whooping cough, Bordetella pertussis, secretes a toxin that damages airway cells involved in the cough reflex.

4.   Asahara was also accused of ordering the production of biological weapons, including the bacterium that secretes the toxin causing botulism.

5.   It lodges in the mucous membranes of the small intestine, where it secretes toxin that causes the gut to produce water and electrolytes, expelled as diarrhoea.

v. + toxin >>共 110
produce 20.27%
release 8.31%
contain 4.32%
neutralize 3.65%
use 2.99%
remove 2.99%
make 2.33%
eliminate 1.99%
carry 1.99%
ingest 1.99%
secrete 1.66%
secrete + n. >>共 68
hormone 9.85%
protein 6.82%
substance 6.06%
insulin 4.55%
toxin 3.79%
cell 3.03%
melatonin 3.03%
poison 3.03%
chemical 2.27%
amount 2.27%
每页显示:    共 5