1.   His departure was surrounded by secrecy.

2.   Security issues are complicated by the fact that they are of necessity surrounded by secrecy.

3.   Though he has appeared on radio and television talk shows in recent months, the secrecy surrounding the CIA severely restricts what he can say.

4.   His two previous trips to China were surrounded by secrecy, and one was not even announced until he had returned home.

5.   In Libya, secrecy has surrounded the operation and officials contacted by telephone have refused to divulge details about the much anticipated handover.

6.   Secrecy has surrounded the handover in Libya.

7.   Secrecy surrounded the Zairian peace talks Thursday as officials refused to discuss the whereabouts of representatives from the warring factions.

8.   Secrecy surrounded the operation, as officials worried about safely transporting the plutonium- and uranium-based mixed oxide fuel halfway around the world by sea.

9.   Secrecy surrounds preparations for peace talks.

10.   The arrests, which were surrounded by secrecy, took place in apartments in Beirut, he said.

n. + surround >>共 893
police 10.67%
troop 4.34%
force 3.56%
soldier 2.22%
controversy 1.84%
people 1.63%
dozen 1.57%
mystery 1.49%
water 1.28%
hundred 1.25%
secrecy 0.29%
secrecy + v. >>共 86
be 42.02%
surround 4.20%
shroud 2.94%
make 2.52%
breed 2.10%
lead 2.10%
become 1.68%
help 1.68%
seem 1.68%
extend 1.26%
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