1.   A spokeswoman for Flicker, Emily J. Hornaday, would not provide any details of those concerns because of the secrecy provisions surrounding grand jury proceedings.

2.   Earlier settlement talks broke down, and secrecy provisions in a settlement would kill any lucrative book deal for Jones.

3.   Private investors suing many of the same firms had opposed the tape secrecy provision because it would preclude them from using the recordings in their own pending case.

4.   The class-action attorneys contend that the tape secrecy provision is illegal because it prevents investors from using any damaging tape recordings in future litigation against Nasdaq firms.

5.   The new law changes two secrecy provisions governing child welfare investigations.

6.   They are asking only that the secrecy provisions be stricken on the ground that they are against public policy.

7.   It calls for prison terms of up to five years for people who violate the secrecy provisions.

8.   Russian underworld interests are believed to be targeting Pacific Island banks due to strong customer secrecy provisions that protect their activities.

9.   Last August, ICTY chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte asked the Greek government to lift banking secrecy provisions to allow an investigation into the suspected accounts.

n. + provision >>共 607
tax 3.21%
security 2.55%
lawsuit 2.02%
loan 1.96%
loan-loss 1.78%
risk 1.60%
education 1.54%
loss 1.48%
contract 1.48%
treaty 1.48%
secrecy 0.53%
secrecy + n. >>共 58
law 39.03%
rule 15.24%
order 4.46%
agreement 4.09%
clause 3.35%
provision 3.35%
oath 2.60%
issue 2.23%
restriction 1.86%
regulation 1.49%
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