1.   The search led to the discovery of a headless torso in the woods.

2.   This search leads to customers, suppliers, or competitors.

3.   An Internet job search led him to Biogen, where he is completing a six-week training program as a customer support specialist.

4.   A nationwide search should lead to a hire this summer, company officials said.

5.   But Inspector Sweeney hopes that car searches will lead to the confiscation of drugs and guns.

6.   But the search leads Hunt to adventure.

7.   Even the most rudimentary search can lead to propaganda pages posted by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, Holocaust deniers, and bigots of every stripe.

8.   Eventually the search led to the base.

9.   For them, their spiritual search often leads to the mystical.

10.   His free-agent search led to two final candidates, both of which had a chance to make it to this Sunday still practicing.

n. + lead >>共 1747
share 2.07%
stock 1.39%
investigation 1.12%
company 0.84%
move 0.83%
road 0.79%
talk 0.70%
incident 0.66%
bank 0.61%
case 0.60%
search 0.21%
search + v. >>共 223
be 29.36%
continue 14.04%
begin 5.49%
turn 4.39%
take 4.02%
go 3.00%
resume 2.59%
end 2.17%
lead 1.71%
fail 1.66%
每页显示:    共 37