1.   Here you learn how to assemble your own guidebook by using both general and travel-oriented search directories, booking sites and on-line guidebooks.

2.   Right now, advertisers place banners on search directories such as Yahoo! or Infoseek, and on other Web sites where they think potential customers might be surfing.

3.   The on-line services that have Web browsers led me to a couple of search directories but neither has even tried to be definitive.

4.   What appears to be giving this e-mail a creepy Amway-like life of its own is the mere mention of the search directory Yahoo.

5.   Yahoo search directories, chat rooms and other areas will not be affected.

6.   Yahoo! search directories, chat rooms and other areas are not affected.

n. + directory >>共 89
phone 16.88%
storage 8.86%
default 8.02%
city 4.64%
process 3.80%
root 3.80%
business 2.53%
e-mail 2.53%
search 2.53%
file 1.69%
search + n. >>共 269
engine 25.29%
operation 8.19%
committee 7.77%
team 5.65%
effort 4.42%
firm 4.01%
dog 2.84%
service 2.54%
result 2.24%
area 2.18%
directory 0.18%
每页显示:    共 6