1.   But he thinks those who pay high prices for seal penises are foolish, if welcome to make him rich.

2.   On a brighter note, animal rights groups say Viagra probably has saved innumerable seals from slaughter, reducing the demand for medicines containing seal penis.

3.   To keep up the demand for seals, they encourage the marketing of seal penises to Asia, where they are believed to be aphrodisiacs.

4.   In Asia, seal penises are being sold for use in aphrodisiacs and powdered seal meat for use as a protein supplement.

5.   Seal penises are highly prized in Asia as an aphrodisiac, and there also is a market for unscarred pup pelts in Europe.

6.   The main market is for seal penises, which are dried and exported as an aphrodisiac throughout Asia, the culling companies say.

n. + penis >>共 9
seal 28.57%
tiger 28.57%
word 14.29%
alligator 4.76%
armadillo 4.76%
behavior 4.76%
crocodile 4.76%
dog 4.76%
snake 4.76%
seal + n. >>共 77
population 12.57%
pup 9.42%
hunter 7.33%
hunt 5.76%
meat 5.24%
pelt 3.66%
penis 3.14%
hunting 2.62%
product 2.62%
leak 1.57%
每页显示:    共 6