1.   Garrard scored untouched on the next play, a sprintout left in which a diving defender missed him and Garrard found a clear lane to the end zone.

2.   Troutman scored untouched.

3.   Bettis scored untouched on the next play.

4.   Then McNair, a former Chief, fumbled when hit by Doug Terry, and Collins scooped up the ball and scored almost untouched.

v. + untouched >>共 3
leave 96.75%
score 2.60%
roll 0.65%
score + a. >>共 37
big 13.27%
high 12.24%
shorthanded 9.18%
higher 8.16%
short-handed 6.12%
low 5.10%
lower 4.08%
unassisted 4.08%
untouched 4.08%
alive 2.04%
每页显示:    共 4