1.   Interesting score lines already in the Coca Cola Cup third round replays.

2.   Fortunately, CNN Headline News is running score lines.

3.   Place a metal pipe under the score line, then strike the waste end of the stone with a heavy hammer.

4.   The score lines will slice the surface fibers so the circular saw will not splinter the wood as it cuts.

5.   There were more attempts from the three-pointer score line and they did it perfectly.

6.   They missed all their chances and their attempts from the three-pointer score line did not work.

n. + line >>共 631
phone 9.33%
telephone 7.50%
power 7.13%
product 4.84%
rail 3.51%
cruise 3.06%
railway 2.03%
transmission 1.80%
cease-fire 1.80%
fault 1.71%
score 0.04%
score + n. >>共 106
card 15.73%
sheet 12.50%
close 3.63%
goal 2.82%
point 2.42%
level 2.42%
line 2.42%
dead 2.42%
board 2.02%
rose 2.02%
每页显示:    共 6