1.   Can schools remove controversial books from a school library?

2.   Examples of purposeful and pleasurable uses of print should be displayed in classrooms, foyers and school libraries.

3.   He spent long hours reading in the school library.

4.   I found a large scale map of the island in the school library.

5.   It might be possible to use the school library on Saturdays.

6.   Look in your school library for information about that or other oil spills.

7.   The publication also is distributed to youth clubs, clinics, school libraries, drug treatment centers and churches across the country.

8.   The story was memorable because, as far as I recall, it was the only book in the school library that even mentioned a black person.

n. + library >>共 157
school 18.64%
university 8.21%
research 5.69%
law 5.53%
film 4.74%
college 3.48%
prison 3.16%
branch 3.00%
music 2.84%
town 2.53%
school + n. >>共 674
official 11.45%
system 6.22%
child 3.04%
administrator 2.50%
building 2.11%
program 1.71%
teacher 1.69%
voucher 1.60%
prayer 1.45%
history 1.29%
library 0.75%
每页显示:    共 117