1.   A schematic diagram of an optical waveguide with a surface-immobilised antibody, designed for the competitive immunoassay of an antigen.

2.   These were expressed in schematic diagrams showing the relationship between building development and open land.

3.   This is represented in the schematic diagram below.

4.   It is a schematic diagram of the manufacturing process at that level of detail for a simple capacitor.

5.   Commercials of that era were particularly helpful in this regard, rendering the best and worst of our mutual experience in schematic diagrams that even children could understand.

6.   Jones thought it was such a bright idea that he fashioned a lampshade from copies of the patent certificate and schematic diagrams for the game.

7.   ONSI, from its headquarters in Connecticut, can view a schematic diagram of the system over the Web, complete with detailed operating data.

8.   The result was a schematic diagram so intuitive and easy to read that it is still in use, with updates, today.

a. + diagram >>共 89
schematic 6.76%
wiring 4.73%
key 4.05%
below 4.05%
clear 3.38%
following 2.70%
large 2.70%
simple 2.70%
incorrect 2.03%
detailed 2.03%
schematic + n. >>共 33
diagram 17.54%
drawing 12.28%
map 7.02%
knowledge 5.26%
explanation 3.51%
design 3.51%
representation 3.51%
shift 3.51%
cliche 1.75%
description 1.75%
每页显示:    共 10