1.   The important experimental point to remember is that dust will also scatter light and contribute to the scattering intensity.

2.   Just as fog scatters light, so do small components of tissue, as can be demonstrated by placing a penlight against the thin tissue between the fingers.

3.   The atmosphere of methane gas and suspended hydrocarbon particles scatters visible light and makes Titan appear to be a fuzzy orange ball under normal observation.

4.   This liquid and solid water is the cloud-stuff that scatters light and makes clouds visible.

v. + light >>共 513
shed 20.88%
see 9.11%
flash 4.10%
turn 3.21%
use 2.44%
dim 2.12%
shine 1.97%
reflect 1.95%
have 1.90%
throw 1.73%
scatter 0.10%
scatter + n. >>共 167
ash 8.84%
crowd 5.10%
seed 4.42%
flower 2.38%
material 2.04%
hundred 2.04%
piece 2.04%
protester 2.04%
light 1.36%
darts 1.36%
每页显示:    共 4