1.   Peace talks have been initiated in an attempt to avert full scale war.

2.   Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war.

3.   On Monday, President Clinton warned European leaders that they risked a full scale trade war if Airbus was receiving loans on non-commercial terms.

4.   Eritrea occupied Badme in early May, sparking off the simmering conflict into a full scale war.

5.   In Swakopmund, Namibia, regional leaders condemned the Angolan rebel movement for threatening full scale war and demanded UNITA take its rightful place in the elected government.

6.   Land owner and royalty disputes arising from the mine escalated into a full scale war for independence from Papua New Guinea.

7.   She urged both sides to accept the peace plan before fresh rounds of fighting blow up into full scale war.

8.   The simmering border conflict erupted into full scale war in May.

9.   The simmering border conflict erupted into full scale war in early June.

10.   The U.N.-brokered pact collapsed last December and both sides returned to full scale war.

n. + war >>共 590
guerrilla 13.12%
trade 11.57%
air 6.32%
drug 6.17%
turf 4.17%
gulf 3.48%
ground 2.99%
border 2.17%
culture 2.04%
propaganda 1.81%
scale 0.30%
scale + n. >>共 216
model 14.35%
war 3.19%
operation 2.96%
economy 2.28%
drawing 2.05%
industry 1.82%
project 1.82%
investment 1.59%
system 1.59%
offensive 1.37%
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