1.   At home, Mami and my sisters and I said a rosary for world peace.

2.   The nuns, kneeling on the Edsa pavement before the tanks, saying the rosary.

3.   After the police arrived, the congregants gathered at the back of the church and said the rosary.

4.   All the time, Wellington Mara paced the hallway outside his room, saying the rosary for Art.

5.   In North Andover, Mass., in a variation of the book club, three groups of women get together each week and say the rosary.

6.   Some Catholics carry rosary beads in their hip pocket and say the rosary while exercising or driving, while others set aside time each day for the ritual.

7.   Sometimes, the little boy would go along as visitors said the rosary, prayed for the dead and came home to wait for the next death.

8.   The resurgent popularity of saying the rosary comes after years in which the practice was frowned upon as old-fashioned, distracting, superstitious, or even idolatrous.

9.   The rosary can be said in as little as five minutes, but many people spend a half-hour or longer.

10.   Then the two sisters took a side trip to Rome, where they said the rosary with the pope and toured the city.

v. + rosary >>共 37
recite 15.38%
say 14.42%
pray 13.46%
finger 4.81%
hold 4.81%
clasp 3.85%
clutch 3.85%
have 2.88%
use 2.88%
wear 1.92%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
rosary 0.02%
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