1.   Alko stripped food and drinks company Grand Metropolitan Plc of the U.S. distribution rights last Friday, the paper said.

2.   Although a Rhode Island Lottery Commission member moved to rescind the contract, it failed to receive a second, the paper said.

3.   But the CIA objects to their release, despite a ruling from the State Department saying the papers pose no threat to national security and should be published.

4.   But those who do not have legal papers said they expected to have to leave at any time.

5.   Carota said paper prices will probably continue to increase for about the next two years.

6.   Denha was later convicted of charges relating to money laundering, the paper said.

7.   Earlier this week he said the paper may best be suited to line a bird cage.

8.   First Union, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, had proposed buying CoreStates to expand its banking presence in the middle-Atlantic states, the paper said.

9.   He is focusing on Secret Service agents who have the most up-close exposure to the president, the papers said, citing officials familiar with the investigation.

10.   He said the paper made the decision because The Observer had expanded into the Fort Worth area.

v. + paper >>共 691
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say + n. >>共 862
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spokesman 3.72%
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