1.   Diplomats say US envoy Lake has made vague threats of sanctions if warfare does not cease.

2.   Officials in Washington said envoy Dennis Ross would head to the region this weekend.

3.   A settlement of the problem of war-divided Cyprus is possible in the next six months, a senior United Nations envoy said Thursday.

4.   Agreeing to strengthen cooperation against terrorism, China has promised to consider letting the United States station an FBI agent in Beijing, an American envoy said Thursday.

5.   Bosnian Serb leaders pledged to prevent attacks on Muslims and confrontations with U.N. police following two flare-ups involving Serb police, a U.S. envoy said Friday.

6.   Bosnian Serb leaders promised Friday to release hundreds of detained peacekeepers and allow free movement of aid convoys, the chief U.N. envoy said.

7.   Bosnian Serb leaders promised Friday to release hundreds of detained U.N. peacekeepers and allow free movement of certain U.N. convoys, the chief U.N. envoy said.

8.   Bosnian Serb leaders promised Friday to release hundreds of detained U.N. peacekeepers and allow free movement of aid convoys, the chief U.N. envoy said.

9.   Both the Greek- and Turkish-speaking communities on divided Cyprus should be included in talks on European Community membership, a special U.S. envoy said Thursday.

10.   Earlier, Zinni met with Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, who said the envoy asked the Palestinians to live up to their commitments.

v. + envoy >>共 98
send 33.75%
dispatch 9.06%
meet 5.51%
say 5.15%
recall 4.62%
withdraw 3.37%
brief 2.66%
exchange 2.66%
name 2.66%
appoint 2.31%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
envoy 0.05%
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